Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law Services in Colorado

Collaborative Divorce & Law Services in Colorado

Collaborative Law is an alternative to the traditional adversarial process in which both parties have counsel advocating on their behalf and a judge is typically in the role of deciding disputed issues. With the Collaborative Law model of dispute resolution, both parties are able to have the benefit of individual counsel but their attorneys, as well as other neutral facilitators, are working collaboratively to facilitate a settlement that ideally takes into consideration the needs and interests of both parties. Each spouse agrees as part of the Collaborative process that they will not use the threat of litigation as leverage against the other, and the Collaborative attorneys on the case cannot subsequently represent the same parties in court if a settlement is not reached.

Although each attorney is only advising their own client, it is a team approach to identifying options for settlement, including the use of collaborative meetings with the parties, attorneys and other collaborative professionals. Typically, a financial neutral will be retained to review and analyze financial data as well as identify options for dividing marital assets and structuring maintenance and child support, for example. A Collaborative divorce facilitator may also be involved to facilitate difficult conversations around parenting or to help manage challenging personal dynamics.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about the benefits of this unique process for a collaborative divorce and other family law matters.

Work collaboratively with counsel and neutrals to facilitate a settlement that takes into consideration the needs and interest of both parties.